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Woods Furniture  1800 004 555  Email
 564 Geelong Road Brooklyn Victoria 3012 Australia
At Woods, we believe that education is of the utmost importance – not just for the children of today but for our world tomorrow.
This belief has driven our team, for over half a century, to study how children learn – from a behavioral, ergonomic and cognitive perspective – to develop furniture that is flexible, adaptable and stimulating.
It’s this philosophy that inspires our intelligently designed range of furniture from desks to seating, soft furnishings to storage for both students and teachers alike.

"We support our customers by listening, understanding, and supporting their needs. Our commitment to local suppliers assists in stimulating the Australian economy and provides mutually beneficial outcomes for all involved in our supply chain. Our commitment to sustainability ensures our manufacturing processes and products support environmental conservation, social responsibility, and economic development. We remain totally committed to Australian manufacturing and providing local employment opportunities. In manufacturing our own products to the highest AS/NZS and International Standards, we confidently guarantee our products for 10 years. When choosing a Woods product over an imported product, you are supporting local business,
keeping Australian workers in jobs, and providing support to the Australian economy. "